Breakfast Routine
Students for breakfast and lunch.
Breakfast will begin in the Lower School cafeteria at 7:45am and end at 8:10am. All walkers who are eating breakfast will need to eat during those times. Students using BPS transportation arriving after 8:10am will eat in their building’s cafeteria.
The Upper School doors will open at 7:45am for breakfast.
Arrival Routine
The instructional day officially begins at 8:30am so all Students are asked to arrive at their arrival location no later than 8:15 am. All staff is on duty at 8:15am. All families must remain with their child until teachers are on duty at 8:15 am. Students who take Boston Public Schools transportation will be escorted to their arrival location as soon as their bus arrives. The morning routine includes all homeroom teachers greeting families and students in their arrival locations.
Lower and Intermediate School (K0 – Grade 4) Arrival Locations
Kindergarten 0 and Kindergarten 1
Students will gather at the Lower School Playground.
Kindergarten 2 -Grade 4
Students will gather on the Prado in the location specified on the map.

Upper School (Grade 5 – 8) Arrival Locations
Students in Grades 5-8 will gather on the Tennis Courts next to the Upper School in the location specified on the map. Please remind your student to cross at the crosswalk at Commercial Street at Hull Street.

Morning Gathering
Each morning, we hold our morning community kickoff which includes the Pledge and daily announcements. At 8:18 AM, Kindergarten 0–Grade 4 will gather on the Prado in front of the Fountain and Grade 5-8 will gather at the Upper School Tennis Court. At 8:25 am, Students will head to class ready to start a powerful day of learning.
Shout outs will occur in the Lower School at 3:00pm so that our youngest community members Kindergarten 0–Grade 1 can begin their dismissal routines. Shout outs will occur at the Upper and Intermediate Schools at 3:03pm.
Dismissal Routine
Our first priority is every child’s safety. Many Students have different schedules throughout the week that information is gathered from families in the beginning days of the school year.
Please make sure that your child’s teacher knows your dismissal plans for the week. We ask all families to refrain from calling the office to request a dismissal change after 12pm. We recognize there are emergencies however it is important to note that there are over 800 Students dismissing daily and we need to ensure that Students are safe.
At the end of the school day, Students are transported by Eliot staff to buses, after school programs and outside the building for dismissal. We are moving over 800 Students between 3:00pm and 3:20pm. To provide a safe dismissal plan, Students in different grades use different exits from each of the three Eliot buildings.
All buses will be loaded on the corner of Hanover Street and Charter Street.
Families picking up their Student will wait in the specified dismissal location for walkers.
Dismissal Locations for Walkers: Lower and Intermediate School
Walkers in K0–Grade 4
Walkers K0 and K1 will be dismissed on the Lower School playground and walkers from Kindergarten 2-Grade 4 will be dismissed on the Prado, in the exact locations shown on the map. Family pick-up zones will be specified by cones. Please wait in the family zone until Eliot staff arrive at the cones to ensure that our Students remain safe at all times. When you pick up your child and you are remaining in the playground, please move to toward the play structure to allow families space to pick up their Student.

Dismissal Locations for Walkers: Upper School
Walkers in Grade 5–8
Students will be dismissed at the Upper School, in the exact location shown on the map. Family pick-up zones will be specified by cones. Please wait in the family zone until Eliot staff arrive at the cones to ensure that our Students remain safe at all times. Please remind your Student to cross at the crosswalk at Commercial Street at Hull Street.

Parking for Arrival and Dismissal
The North End has visitor parking in and around the Upper, Intermediate and Lower Schools. Parking at all schools is very challenging and we need everyone’s help to ensure every child is safe during both arrival and dismissal. Cars will not be allowed in all Staff Parking lots during Arrival and Dismissal for safety. All families should plan ahead when picking up or dropping off Students. Please do not park on Charter Street sidewalk for drop off/pick up. Please do not park on any sidewalks on Unity Street for drop off/pick up. Thank you for being a kind Eliot neighbor!
BPS Yellow Bus Transportation
All bus assignments are emailed/mailed to families who are eligible for yellow bus transportation. You can review the eligibility rules here. Unfortunately, The Eliot is unable to change your status or make adjustments to your bus assignment. If you have questions for BPS Transportation, please contact them at 617-635-9520 or email [email protected]. Please submit your request through the online portal. Click here to submit a transportation request.
- Lower School
(617) 635-8545 - Intermediate School
(617) 635-8912 - Upper School
(617) 635-8388