
 School Uniforms

At the Eliot, we embrace a mandatory uniform policy for students Monday — Thursday.  

The Eliot Upper School Grades 5–8

Students may wear khaki or navy bottoms and white/navy or cobalt shirt or any of the Eliot gear.  

Kindergarten (K0, K1 & K2) through Grade 4

Students may wear navy blue bottoms and a white/navy or cobalt shirt or any of the Eliot gear.  

Eliot gear (including field day t-shirts) is considered uniform and can be worn by all Eliot K-8 students.

We currently partner with Land’s End for uniform logo gear. Please visit the Land’s End Website and use the Eliot School code is 900054628. 

We are also excited to share an amazing local embroidery shop Boston Belle that has been working with our families in Charlestown.  Please visit the Boston Belle website or email [email protected] for more information. 

 BPS Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct details Boston Public Schools policy about appropriate student behavior, as well as procedures for disciplinary action. The Code is designed to emphasize the importance of creating safe, welcoming school environments that support student learning.

Download the Code of Conduct  (updated in 2021)

For the Code of Conduct translated into each language, click here.

 School Attendence

In addition to meeting academic requirements, students must meet state laws and BPS requirements for school attendance. Excellent attendance and school success go hand in hand. The more often a student is absent—even if the absence is unavoidable—the harder it is for the student to keep up with the class. Students with good attendance are more likely to show proficiency in MCAS than those with poor attendance. Parents play an essential role in ensuring that their child attends school consistently and on time every day.

Schools keep parents informed of their child’s attendance through:

  • phone calls
  • holding a parent or student meeting
  • conducting a home visit
  • attendance letters
  • establishing an attendance contract

BPS Attendance Policy

A student must attend school for at least a half-day to be marked “present.” Check with the Principal or Head of School to find out what a half-day is. In most schools, it is:

      • 3 hours in elementary school
      • 3 hours and 5 minutes in middle school
      • 3 hours and 10 minutes in high school.

Students who arrive after the beginning of the day must follow the school’s tardy procedures in order to be considered present for the day.

Please note that the Boston School Committee approved a revised attendance policy effective for the 2021-2022 school year. Key changes include:

Schools may no longer convert tardies to an absence, including high schools.

To facilitate competency-based grading across the district, schools may no longer assign grades of “No Credit (NC)” to students. The following guidance has been provided regarding credit recovery for students:

          • Passing grades should be competency-based, which may be impacted by attendance due to missed assignments or schoolwork, but should not be tied exclusively to attendance or participation.
          • It is essential that schools outreach early and often for students at risk of a failing grade.
          • As an alternative, schools may mark a student with an “incomplete” grade to enable equitable learning recovery.
          • In all cases, a student not earning a passing grade must be given the opportunity and responsibility to equitably recover any learning loss or make up the work missed within a marking period to earn a passing grade.

Early Dismissal

Your child must be in school for the duration of the school day. Early dismissal should only occur in the event of an emergency. A note should be provided to school administrators to verify and approve the reason for the early dismissal.

➩ Click here to view ACA-18, the complete Attendance and Punctuality Policy.


All students are expected to report to school on time every day. Students who arrive after the beginning of the day are tardy. They must follow the school’s tardy procedures in order to be considered present for the day.   Read more about absences and punctuality.

It is the policy of the Boston School Committee (approved May 24, 2006) that tardy students must be permitted to enter the school building and not be excluded. Head of Schools and principals must (a) review their current tardy policies with their School Site Councils, (b) develop reasonable consequences to deal with student tardiness and positive incentives to encourage punctuality, and (c) closely monitor compliance with these policies.

➩ Click here to view ACA-18, the complete Attendance and Punctuality Policy.


Certain absences may be excused. However, it is important to understand that all missed instructional time negatively impacts student outcomes. Students must bring a note after each day they are absent and make sure the Principal receives it. The note must include the date absent, the reason for the absence, a phone number for the parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian’s signature.

Students may make up the work they missed during excused absences.

Excused absences may include:

    • an illness or injury that prevents the student from attending school. The illness or injury must be verified by a healthcare provider, school nurse, or parent
    • death in the immediate family (parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin; please provide a copy of the funeral program) or other significant personal or family crisis
    • court appearances
    • medical or psychological tests during the school day. The parent must show evidence (such as a note from the health center) that the tests could not be scheduled after school.
    • religious holidays
    • visits to special education schools for students with disabilities
    • other extraordinary situations approved by the School Site Council

What Is an Unexcused Absence?

Some parents think that any absence will be excused as long as the parent sends a note. This is not true. Here are examples of unexcused absences—even if the parent sends a note:

    • repetitive and chronic absence due to illness or injury. In these cases, for the absence to be excused, the parent must submit a letter from a healthcare provider verifying that the student was too sick or injured to go to school
    • the student needed to babysit
    • cutting class (including checking in and leaving the building early)
    • family vacation during non-school vacation time
    • trip to the homeland extended beyond school vacation
    • extension of a religious or cultural holiday beyond the designated day or days on the school calendar
    • a phone call or text to the school to inform of a student’s absence
    • the student is absent due to a sibling or parent having an appointment

Whenever possible, parents should check with the Principal before allowing a student to miss school if they are not sure the absence will be excused. Teachers do not have the authority to excuse a student from school.

Students are responsible for making up the work they missed when they are absent. However, the school is not required to help students make up tests and assignments the student missed due to unexcused absences.

Students with four or more unexcused absences will be referred by a teacher or the Principal/Head of School to the school’s Student Support Team (SST). The SST will review the case and work with the family to develop a plan or contract to help the student improve attendance.

➩ Click here to view ACA-18, the complete Attendance and Punctuality Policy.

School Cancellations​

On occasion, the BPS may need to close school because of bad weather or an emergency situation. We communicate cancellation information in these ways:

*Sign up to be notified of snow emergencies, parking bans, and school cancellations by phone or email.

Whatever our decision regarding school opening, the parent should make the final decision on whether it is safe for their child to go to school. If a parent decides to keep a child home because of safety concerns, the absence will be excused when the parent sends a note. (See Promotion Policy: Attendance)

    • If schools are closed: The day will be made up at the end of the school year.
    • If bad weather develops during the school day: Dismissal will be at the regular time.
    • After-school programs: When school is canceled, all after-school programs in BPS schools, BPS athletic events, and evening classes and events are also canceled.

By state law, the school year for students must be 180 days. Under the Boston Teachers Union contract, the last day of school must be no later than June 30. If necessary, we will adjust the BPS calendar to comply with these requirements. You will receive information from your child’s school.